The Correspondence of Philipp Jakob Sachs von Löwenheim

Primary Contributors:

Iva Lelková

Philipp Jakob Sachs von Löwenheim, the frontispiece of Johann Daniel Major, Memoria Sachsiana, Imperiali Naturae Curiosorum Societati ac Posteris commendata, Kiliae Holsatorum a J. D. M. D (Lipsiae, 1690; image courtesy of Iva Lelková).

Philipp Jakob Sachs von Löwenheim (1627–1672)

Philipp Sachs von Löwenheim, physician of Wrocław, was the first editor of the first medical journal Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum sive Ephemeridum medico-physicarum Germanicarum curiosarum. After studying in Leipzig, he attended a number of universities across Europe from 1649, including that of Padua, from which he graduated in 1651. Thereafter, Sachs returned to Wrocław, where he remained for the remainder of his life.



Partners and Additional Contributors

Iva Lelková created this catalogue as part of her work within the Czech Academy of Sciences project ‘Correspondence networks between Central and Western Europe: From Comenius and Kircher to Hartlib and Oldenburg’, which funds cooperation between the Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences and the University of Oxford.

Key Bibliographic Source(s)

This catalogue of the correspondence of Sachs von Löwenheim is based on a collection of scribal copies (Philipi Jacobi Sachsii a Löwenhamb Epistola litterario-Medicae ad doctissimos passim in Germania Viros datae ex autographo autoris collectae a Christiano Ezechiele Silesio A. C. : 1714). The original manuscript letters may be be consulted in the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (shelf mark 3/5/69), via the microfilm copy in Oddział Rękopisów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu (shelf mark R 405), in the Library of The Royal Society, London, and in the Archivio della Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome (Collection of correspondence of Athanasius Kircher 1602–1680).


Currently the catalogue contains records for 143 letters and it represents the correspondence network of a number of of key members of the learned society Academia Naturae Curiosorum as well as their fellow physicians and scholars from across Europe. It includes correspondents as diverse as the Jesuit polymath Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680) and the first secretary of the Royal Society in London, Henry Oldenburg (c.1619–1677).

Further resources


Sachs von Löwenheim, Philipp Jacob, Oceanus macro-microcosmicus (Wrocław, 1664).

Sachs von Löwenheim, Philipp Jacob, Gammarologia sive gammarorum vulgo cancrorum consideratio (Frankfurt am Main  and Leipzig, 1665).

Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica, in Judicia medicorum (Wrocław, 1671).

Garmann, Christian Friedrich, Epistolarum centuria (Rostock and Leipzig, 1714).

The Correspondence of Henry Oldenburg, vol. III (1666–1667), ed. A. Rupert Hall and Marie Boas Hall (Madison, Milwaukee, and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966).

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